
My paper/achievement awards

  1. 日本音響学会 学生優秀発表賞 / Acoustic society of Japan, Excellent presentation award 2022.
  2. 4th STI-Gigaku. Best Poster Award 2019.
  3. 3rd STI-Gigaku. Best Poster Award 2018.

My project awards

  1. DCON 2020 アイング賞 / Deep learning Contest 2020, Iing Award, 2020
  2. 第3回廃炉創造ロボコン 文部科学大臣賞 / Third Decommissioning Robot Contest, Minister of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology Award, 2018.
  3. NICTオープンハウス2018 優秀研究発表賞 / NICT Open House 2018, Best Research Presentation Award 2018.
  4. 第7回起業家甲子園 審査員特別賞 / 7th Entrepreneur Contest, Special Recognition Award, 2018.
  5. 高専ロボコン2017全国大会 アイデア倒れ賞 / KOSEN ROBOCON National Competition 2017, Excellent Idea Award. 2017.

Competitive funds

  1. 令和5年度覚醒プロジェクト/AIST KAKUSEI project (FY2023)